Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Purchase Schwinn Active 20 Series Recumbent Exercise Bike

I can only echo what most other reviewers have stated about this terrific bike. Very stable, extremely quiet and an pleasure to use.

I've had this for a little over a month now and so far it has performed as expected. I bought this machine to help me get back into some semblance of shape after going through chemo. I guess most people lose all of their weight with treatment but I put on almost forty pounds of fat. Along with that, the steroids cause muscle loss which might explain why I've found the resistance level of this bike to be appropriate for me, while some reviewers report that it doesn't generate enough for them. In short, I'm finding this to be a perfect first step on my road to better health.

Everything arrived on time and as expected and I was able to build it in less than an hour by myself using the supplied tools and instructions. If you've ever put anything together from a big box, you won't have any trouble with this. Once built it's solid as a rock and doesn't make any kind of creaking or groaning noises while in use. I ride along side the bed while my wife watches TV in the evenings and it is dead silent.

Okay so why only four stars? First, the display really does need to be backlit. Most of the information presented while actually riding the bike such as pulse and distance is clear enough but some of the text you read while setting up for a session is illegible in anything but full on direct light. I know I'm in my forties and all but my vision is still pretty good. Secondly, the seat starts getting a bit uncomfortable for me after forty minutes or so. Some kind of gel seat might help here.

Those are some very minor shortcomings for something as sturdy as this which costs so little.

If you're a beginner looking to start getting into shape or someone like me who's looking to recover from a battle with your own body, this is a great machine to begin with.Get more detail about Schwinn Active 20 Series Recumbent Exercise Bike.

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